Directed by John Woo, based on the hit television series, Mission: Impossible II (2000), stylized as M:I-2, was the explosive sequel to the 1996 Brian De Palma film. The story finds IMF operative Ethan Hunt tasked with a mission to retrieve a man-made virus called "Chimera" that has been absconded by rogue agents. Hunt recruits a female master jewel thief to aid him in executing the heist at a highly-secure pharmaceutical laboratory in Sydney, Australia. Rock climbing, car chases, stealthy black-suited repelling, hand-to-hand combat and explosions run throughout. Tom Cruise is great, reprising the lead role. Thandie Newton is beautiful as the nimble cat burglar with quick fingers. Dougray Scott is good as the villain. Anthony Hopkins and Ving Rhames co-star.
Tom Cruise: Mission Impossible II |
Tom Cruise: Mission Impossible II |
Tom Cruise and Anthony Hopkins: Mission Impossible II |
Tom Cruise: Mission Impossible II |
Tom Cruise and Thandie Newton: Mission Impossible II |
Thandie Newton as a master thief: Mission Impossible II |
Tom Cruise and Thandie Newton: Mission Impossible II |
Dougray Scott: Mission Impossible II |
Thandie Newton: Mission Impossible II |
Dougray Scott and Thandie Newton: Mission Impossible II |
Tom Cruise: Mission Impossible II |
Thandie Newton: Mission Impossible II |
Tom Cruise: Mission Impossible II |
Tom Cruise: Mission Impossible II |
Tom Cruise: Mission Impossible II |
Tom Cruise: Mission Impossible II |
"Mission: Impossible II"- movie trailer