Directed by Robert Douglas, and released in November of 1976, Old Fashioned Murder was the 39th episode in the long-running Columbo TV series. The story centers on the privately-owned and financially unstable Lytton Museum, where the curator stages a heist with the help of a security guard… but the robbery turns to murder in a sinister twist, and Lieutenant Columbo is on the case and prowling the museum's galleries for clues. Art theft sets the stage for an intriguing plot involving one of the great TV detectives. Peter Falk is superb, as always, as the somewhat-bumbling Columbo, solving the case with an easy-going savant style. The supporting cast is good as well, including Joyce Van Patten, Celeste Holm and Jeannie Berlin.
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder |
"Old Fashioned Murder"