Directed by Anna Zielinski, with a screenplay by Chuck Konzelman based on the Biblical tale, The Book of Daniel (2013) was made on a very limited budget… and it shows. The story finds Daniel, recalling the story of four kings in Ancient Babylon, following his 70-year servitude to King Nebuchadnezzar in 605 B.C. The effects, costumes and props are all a bit hokey and many of the performances are amateurish. However, as far as inspirational tales go, many elements hit the mark… particularly in the Lion's Den scene. Robert Miano delivers the best performance in the film as the elderly Daniel. Lance Hendriksen is good as Cyrus. The rest of the cast, all unknowns, are hit or miss.
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
The Book of Daniel |
"The Book of Daniel"- movie trailer