Directed by Zack Snyder, based on the comic book series by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley, 300 (2006) was filmed in the super-imposition chroma key technique and presented an aesthetic akin to the look of a graphic novel. The fictionalized story centers on the events surrounding the Battle of Thermopylae during the Persian Wars in 480 B.C… in which a band of 300 Spartans fought a valiant campaign against the much larger army of King Xerxes consisting of 300,000 troops. The special effects are well-conceived and the battle sequences are compelling in style. The cast does a good job, including Gerard Butler as Leonidas King of Sparta and Lena Headey as Queen Gorgo.
300: Gerard Butler and Lena Headey |
300: 2006 Film |
300: Lena Headey |
300: 2006 Film |
300: Gerard Butler |
300: Lena Headey |
300: 2006 Film |
300: Gerard Butler |
300: King Xerxes |
300: 2006 Film |
300: 2006 Film |
300: 2006 Film |
300: 2006 Film |
300: King Xerxes |
300: 2006 Film |
300: 2006 Film |
300: 2006 Film |
300: 2006 Film |
300: 2006 Film |
300: 2006 Film |
300: Lena Headey |
300: 2006 Film |
300: Lena Headey |
300: 2006 Film |
300: Lena Headey |
300: 2006 Film |
300: King Xerxes |
300: Gerard Butler and Lena Headey |
300: King Xerxes |
300: Lena Headey |
300: Lena Headey |