Directed by Allan Dwan, The Iron Mask is an adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' story based on the French legend of "The Man in the Iron Mask." The production was the final Silent Film in the wonderful career of Douglas Fairbanks, who reluctantly included a couple scenes of grand spoken narration. The 17th Century story focuses on the concept that King Louis XIII's wife gave birth to twin sons… one was kept and bred for the crown, the other was sent away to Spain. One of the identical twins (depending on the story) was imprisoned and forced to wear an iron mask to disguise his royal appearance. Douglas Fairbanks is great, as always, as a swashbuckling musketeer. The rest of the cast does a great job as well.
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |
The Iron Mask. 1929: Douglas Fairbanks |