Directed by John Huston, based on the 1888 novella by Rudyard Kipling, The Man Who Would Be King (1975) is an escapist adventure that is massively entertaining. The story follows two rogue British Soldiers (and Freemasons) in India, who venture off and set themselves up as Gods in remote Kafiristan… a land that has not seen white men in over 2,000 years, since the time of Alexander the Great. Masonic connections, references and imagery are apparent throughout, with the Square & Compasses and the All Seeing Eye proving to be the salvation of the main characters at one point. The scenes in which Daniel Dravot is shown the ancient treasure hoard of Alexander and his coronation complete with golden crown and Masonic regalia are particularly interesting. Battle scenes and well written dialogue carry the story along nicely. The cast does a wonderful job, with Sean Connery, Michael Caine and Christopher Plummer taking on the main roles.
The Man Who Would Be King: Christopher Plummer |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery, Christopher Plummer and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery, Christopher Plummer and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Freemasonry. Square and Compasses. All Seeing Eye |
The Man Who Would Be King: Freemasonry, Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Freemasonry. All Seeing Eye |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Freemasonry, Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Freemasonry. Square and Compasses. All Seeing Eye |
The Man Who Would Be King: Alexander the Great |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Roxanne |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Michael Caine |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery |
The Man Who Would Be King: Freemasonry. Square and Compasses. All Seeing Eye |
The Man Who Would Be King: Sean Connery and Freemasonry |