Travis Simpkins to Paint Portrait of Paul F. Gleason, Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts |
I have been designated as the artist commissioned to paint the official portrait of M.W. Paul F. Gleason, the 89th Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts. The finished oil painting will be unveiled at the end of his term in 2019. The Grand Master portraits are a big deal in Massachusetts. The Grand Lodge building in Boston displays oil portraits of each Past Grand Master going back to the 18th Century (including Paul Revere, Isaiah Thomas , Joseph Warren, etc.). Every three years, each painting is shifted one spot when the newest one is added. It is a great honor and responsibility that my talents have been chosen to contribute to this historic tradition. I look forward to working with M.W. Paul Gleason, R.W. Phil Nowlan and others at the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts over the next two years.
For more info on the
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, please visit: