Directed by Jack Clayton, and co-written by Truman Capote, The Innocents (1961) was largely based on Henry James' 1898 Novella, "The Turn of the Screw." The story concerns a pretty governess, charged with caring for two young children at a lavish English countryside estate, who soon comes to suspect that the house and grounds are haunted. Freddie Francis brilliant cinematography provides most of the psychological scares. Deborah Kerr is excellent in the lead role. Michael Redgrave briefly co-stars.
Deborah Kerr: The Innocents |
Deborah Kerr: The Innocents |
Deborah Kerr: The Innocents |
Deborah Kerr: The Innocents |
: The Innocents |
: The Innocents |
Deborah Kerr: The Innocents |
Deborah Kerr: The Innocents |
: The Innocents |
Deborah Kerr: The Innocents |
: The Innocents |
: The Innocents |
Deborah Kerr: The Innocents |
"The Innocents"- movie trailer