Directed by John Ford, The Quiet Man (1952) captured the beauty of Ireland on film… and presented an another side of John Wayne. The story concerns an Irish-American boxer, retired after killing another fighter in the ring, who returns to his hometown in Ireland to reclaim his family's land. The Oscar-winning cinematography is brilliant, presenting the green Irish countryside in vibrant hues. John Wayne delivers one of his great non-Western performances. Maureen O'Hara is lovely. The supporting cast is great as well, including Victor McLaglen and Ward Bond.
The Quiet Man. 1952: John Wayne |
The Quiet Man. 1952: John Wayne |
The Quiet Man. 1952: Maureen O'Hara |
The Quiet Man. 1952: John Wayne and Victor McLaglen |
The Quiet Man. 1952: Maureen O'Hara |
The Quiet Man. 1952: John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara |
The Quiet Man. 1952: Maureen O'Hara |
The Quiet Man. 1952: John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara |
The Quiet Man. 1952: John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara |
The Quiet Man. 1952: John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara |
The Quiet Man. 1952: Victor McLaglen and John Wayne |
"The Quiet Man"- movie trailer