Directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947) is a charming and enduring Classic. The story concerns a widow who rents a cottage that is haunted by the spirit of it's former owner, a bawdy sea captain, and the unlikely romance that develops between them. Gene Tierney is quite simply one of the most beautiful women who ever lived, her gorgeous visage permeating every scene, and she delivers one of the best performances of her career. Rex Harrison is excellent as the ghost of the sea captain. George Sanders is snide in a supporting role. A young Natalie Wood appears as the daughter of Mr. Muir.
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. 1947: Gene Tierney |
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. 1947: Gene Tierney |
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. 1947: Gene Tierney |
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. 1947: Gene Tierney |
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. 1947: Natalie Wood and Gene Tierney |
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. 1947: Gene Tierney |
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. 1947: Gene Tierney |
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. 1947: Gene Tierney |
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. 1947: Gene Tierney |