Directed by Otto Preminger, Whirlpool (1949) is a superb film with elements of thriller, melodrama and Film Noir. The story concerns a beautiful woman kleptomaniac who falls prey to an opportunistic hypnotist, and the crimes he makes her do. Gene Tierney looks radiant, her beautiful visage nicely photographed, and she handles her role and the psychological subject matter well... despite the fact that she was beginning to show signs of mental illness in real-life. The supporting cast is great as well, including Jose Ferrer, Charles Bickford and Richard Conte.
Whirlpool. 1949: Gene Tierney |
Whirlpool. 1949: Gene Tierney |
Whirlpool. 1949: Gene Tierney |
Whirlpool. 1949: Gene Tierney |
Whirlpool. 1949: Gene Tierney |
Whirlpool. 1949: Gene Tierney |
Whirlpool. 1949: Gene Tierney |
Whirlpool. 1949:Gene Tierney |
Whirlpool. 1949: Gene Tierney |
a scene from "Whirlpool"