Directed by Mark Tonderai, House at the End of the Street (2012) is a good mix of horror and psychological thriller. The story concerns a mother and daughter that move next door to a house that was the scene of a grizzly double-murder… of which the killer was never caught. Chills, tension and surprises lurk in the scenes. Jennifer Lawrence is cute in her role. Elizabeth Shue is good as the mother. The supporting cast is great as well, including Max Thieriot, Gil Bellows, Eva Link and Allie MacDonald.
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012 |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
House at the End of the Street. 2012: Jennifer Lawrence |
"House at the End of the Street"- movie trailer