Directed by Irvin Yeaworth, and styled in the manner of B-Movie double-features, The Blob (1958) was the first leading role for Steve McQueen (billed as "Steven" McQueen). McQueen was paid $3,000 for his work, after he turned down an offer for a smaller upfront sum along with a percentage of the film. He thought the film would do poorly, and needed the guaranteed cash quick, but the film ended up grossing over $4 million. Oops! The classic Sci-Fi story concerns a small Pennsylvania town being ravaged by a gelatinous alien mass that absorbs and dissolves everyone it comes in contact with. The special effects are awkward, but that adds to the charm of the film. Backed by a memorable theme song, The Blob is certainly worthwhile. The supporting cast is good as well, including Aneta Corsaut, Olin Howland and Earl Rowe.
The Blob. 1958 |
The Blob. 1958 |
The Blob. 1958: Steve McQueen |
The Blob. 1958 |
The Blob. 1958 |
The Blob. 1958: Steve McQueen |
The Blob. 1958 |
The Blob. 1958 |
The Blob. 1958 |
The Blob. 1958: Steve McQueen |