Directed by Roman Polanski, based on the novel by Roland Topor, The Tenant (1976) was the third film in Polanski's "Apartment Trilogy", following Repulsion and Rosemary's Baby. The psychological thriller plot centers on a mild-mannered man who takes a Paris apartment after the previous tenant commits suicide by leaping from the window... and the bizarre happenings that transpire after he meets the neighbors. The cinematography is excellent and the performances are great, including Roman Polanski, Isabelle Adjani, Melvyn Douglas, Shelley Winters and Jo Van Fleet.
The Tenant. 1976: Roman Polanski |
The Tenant. 1976: Roman Polanski |
The Tenant. 1976: Roman Polanski |
The Tenant. 1976: Roman Polanski |
The Tenant. 1976: Roman Polanski and Isabelle Adjani |
The Tenant. 1976: Roman Polanski |
The Tenant. 1976: Roman Polanski and Isabelle Adjani |
The Tenant. 1976: Roman Polanski |
The Tenant. 1976: Roman Polanski |
Roman Polanski's "Apartment Trilogy" |
"The Tenant"- movie trailer