Directed by Ruben Fleischer, Zombieland (2009) was a unique and stylish addition to the popular Zombie Genre… one of the best such films in recent years. The story concerns a group of mismatched people on a road trip through the Southwest after a Zombie Apocalypse, looking for a Zombie free zone. Sharp editing and a well-written script make this a superb effort. Woody Harrelson is badass as a Twinkie-loving zombie killer. The rest of the cast is good as well, including Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin. Bill Murray has a hilarious cameo playing himself.
Zombieland. 2009: Jesse Eisenberg |
Zombieland. 2009 |
Zombieland. 2009: Jesse Eisenberg |
Zombieland. 2009: Woody Harrelson |
Zombieland. 2009: Jesse Eisenberg |
Zombieland. 2009: Emma Stone |
Zombieland. 2009: Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson |
Zombieland. 2009: Woody Harrelson |
Zombieland. 2009: Woody Harrelson |
Zombieland. 2009: Emma Stone |
Zombieland. 2009: Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson |
Zombieland. 2009: Abigail Breslin and Emma Stone |
Zombieland. 2009: Bill Murray |
Zombieland. 2009 |
Zombieland. 2009: Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson |
Zombieland. 2009: Abigail Breslin and Emma Stone |
Zombieland. 2009: Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin, Woody Harrelson |
Zombieland. 2009: Bill Murray |
"Zombieland"- movie trailer