Directed by Alfred Hitcock, The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (1927) was an important film in the master's early Silent Film career. The dark story concerns a man who may or may not be a "Jack the Ripper" style serial killer. The film contains Hitchcock's first on-screen cameo, early on as a telephone operator, which was done purely out of necessity after an extra did not show up... but it worked, though, and the cameo became a mainstay, with Hitch making a veiled appearance in all his films afterward. The film also contains many tense themes that Hitchcock would revisit time and time again in his later work. The cast is good, including Marie Ault, Arthur Chesney, Malcolm Keen and Ivor Novello.
The Lodger. 1927. Alfred Hitchcock |
The Lodger. 1927. Alfred Hitchcock |
The Lodger. 1927. Alfred Hitchcock |
The Lodger. 1927. Alfred Hitchcock |
The Lodger. 1927. Alfred Hitchcock |
The Lodger. 1927. Alfred Hitchcock |
The Lodger. 1927. Alfred Hitchcock |
The Lodger. 1927. Alfred Hitchcock |
The Lodger. 1927. Alfred Hitchcock. Ivor Novello |
a scene from "The Lodger"