Written and directed by Randall Wallace, loosely based on the works of Alexandre Dumas, The Man in the Iron Mask (1998) is both a stylish and entertaining historical adventure. The story concerns a musketeer who vows vengeance on King Louis XIV after his son is killed, plotting to replace him with an iron masked prisoner from the Bastille that is rumored to be the King's twin brother. Leonardo DiCaprio is great in dual roles as the twins. The supporting cast is good as well, including John Malkovich, Jeremy Irons, Gerard Depardieu and Gabriel Byrne.
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998 |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998 |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998 |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998 |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998 |
The Man in the Iron Mask. 1998: Leonardo DiCaprio |