Monday, April 1, 2019

DeWitt Clinton. Past Grand Master. Grand Lodge of New York. by Travis Simpkins

DeWitt Clinton. Past Grand Master. Grand Lodge of New York. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
Most Worshipful
DeWitt Clinton
(1769 - 1828)
Past Grand Master
Grand Lodge of New York
Past General High Priest
General Grand Chapter of the United States
Past Grand Master, Masonic Knights Templar
Grand Encampment of the United States
33rd Degree Cerneau Scottish Rite
Former Mayor of New York City
6th Governor of New York
Former United States Senator
by Travis Simpkins

DeWitt Clinton

For more info, please visit:

DeWitt Clinton. Cerneau Scottish Rite. Joseph Cerneau. Cerneauism. by Travis Simpkins