Created by Jack Orman, Pan Am was a television series that aired on the ABC Network from 2011 - 2012. Named after the famous airline, the plot follows pilots and stewardesses during the early days of the Jet Age in the 1960's. Christina Ricci is great in her role as a stewardess. The rest of the cast does a fine job as well.
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
Pan Am: Christina Ricci |
"Pan Am"- trailer