Friday, August 30, 2019

Joseph Fort Newton. Baptist Minister and Masonic Author. The Builders. by Travis Simpkins

Joseph Fort Newton. Baptist Minister and Masonic Author. The Builders. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
The Rev. Dr.
Joseph Fort Newton
( 1880 - 1950 )
Baptist Minister
Masonic Author, best known for
The Builders, published in 1914
Member of Friendship Lodge No. 7
Dixon, Illinois
Raised a Master Mason on May 28, 1902
Grand Chaplain ( 1911 - 1913 )
Grand Lodge of Iowa
by Travis Simpkins

 Joseph Fort Newton - The Builders - Audio Book

The Rev. Dr. Joseph Fort Newton. Baptist Minister and Freemason. Masonic Author

 For more info, please visit:

Joseph Fort Newton. Baptist Minister and Masonic Author. The Builders. by Travis Simpkins