Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Circus (1928): Charlie Chaplin

     Released just as sound films were emerging, The Circus (1928) proved to be the most difficult production of Charlie Chaplin's career, in terms of delays. Many factors held up filming, including the death of Chaplin's mother, a divorce from his second wife Lita Grey, a disastrous studio fire, and the IRS investigations into Chaplin's finances. All told, the delays totaled two years. All was not a bust, however, as The Circus was a success. Chaplin was nominated in four categories at the first ever Academy Awards, but his name was pulled as the Academy opted to give him a special award instead: "for versatility and genius in writing, acting, directing and producing The Circus."
     When the Tramp (Charlie Chaplin) is mistaken for a pickpocket, police chase him through a fun house and into a Circus... 

The Circus. 1928: Charlie Chaplin

     The crowd loves it, thinking the Tramp's clumsy flight from the Law is just an act. Seeing the crowd's reaction, the owner hires the Tramp as a prop man, but never tells him that he is in fact the star attraction of the show. The Tramp meets and falls in love with a fellow performer, a pretty girl... 

The Circus. 1928: Charlie Chaplin

     But he can't seem to stay out of trouble... 

The Circus. 1928: Charlie Chaplin

     and the Circus provides a plentiful arena of mischief...

The Circus. 1928: Charlie Chaplin

The Circus. 1928: Charlie Chaplin