Directed by Sydney Pollack, Jeremiah Johnson (1972) is a cinematic masterpiece of subdued storytelling. Supposedly based of the real-life 19th Century mountain man, Liver-Eating Johnson, Pollack manages to get the tale across with minimal dialogue. Robert Redford is outstanding in the lead role, and Will Geer is great in his supporting turn. Equally as powerful is the brilliant cinematography, which captures the grandeur of the Rocky Mountains in beautiful panoramas. The film is visually stunning and is well-deserving of it's critical praise.
Jeremiah Johnson (Robert Redford), a disenchanted soldier having fought in the Mexican War, decides to head to the wilderness of the Rocky Mountains and live off the land...
Jeremiah Johnson. 1972: Robert Redford |
the life of a mountain man is grueling...
Jeremiah Johnson. 1972: Robert Redford |
Jeremiah Johnson. 1972: Robert Redford |
and Johnson encounters some colorful characters...
Jeremiah Johnson. 1972: Robert Redford |
and uneasy situations in his travels...
Jeremiah Johnson. 1972: Robert Redford |
all of which add to his understanding of life...
Jeremiah Johnson. 1972: Robert Redford |
it's drawbacks...
Jeremiah Johnson. 1972: Robert Redford |
and it's virtues...
Jeremiah Johnson. 1972: Robert Redford |