Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Henry Lynde Palmer, 33°. Past Sovereign Grand Commander. Scottish Rite, NMJ. by Travis Simpkins

Henry Lynde Palmer, 33°. Past Sovereign Grand Commander. Scottish Rite, NMJ. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
Most Worshipful and Illustrious
Henry Lynde Palmer
( 1819 - 1909 )
Past Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Wisconsin
(1852 - 1853) and (1871 - 1872)
Past Sovereign Grand Commander
Supreme Council, 33°, NMJ
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
( 1879 - 1909 )
Past Master of Evening Star Lodge No. 75
West Troy, New York
Past Master of Tracy Lodge No. 13
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
by Travis Simpkins

History of the Scottish Rite

Supreme Council, 33°, NMJ. Scottish Rite document. Henry L. Palmer

 For more info, please visit:

Henry Lynde Palmer, 33°. Sovereign Grand Commander. Supreme Council. Scottish Rite, NMJ. by Travis Simpkins