Friday, April 3, 2020

Cleopatra. 69 - 30 BC. Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. by Travis Simpkins

Cleopatra. 69 - 30 BC. Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. by Travis Simpkins

 Portrait Sketch of
Cleopatra VII Philopater
( 69 - 30 B.C. )
Last Active Ruler of the
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt
reigned 51 - 30 B.C.
Lover of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony

Pastel Painting by
Travis Simpkins

 Cleopatra (1963)

Cleopatra (1934)

Caesar and Cleopatra (1945)

For more info, please visit:

Cleopatra. 69 - 30 BC. Queen of Ancient Egypt. Serpent of the Nile. by Travis Simpkins