Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Albert Pike, 33°. Past Sovereign Grand Commander. Scottish Rite, SJ. Morals and Dogma. by Travis Simpkins

Albert Pike, 33°. Past Sovereign Grand Commander. Scottish Rite, SJ. Morals and Dogma. by Travis Simpkins
Albert Pike, 33°. Past Sovereign Grand Commander. Scottish Rite, SJ. Morals and Dogma. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
Albert Pike
(1809 - 1891)
Author, Poet, Orator and Lawyer
33rd Degree Freemason
Author/Editor of 
Morals & Dogma
Esoterika and other Masonic works
Past Sovereign Grand Commander
Supreme Council, 33°, SJ
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite 
Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A.
Brigadier General
Confederate States of America (CSA)

by Travis Simpkins

The Masonic Roundtable - The Life of Albert Pike

For more info, please visit:

Albert Pike, 33°. Past Sovereign Grand Commander. Scottish Rite, SJ. Morals and Dogma. by Travis Simpkins
Albert Pike, 33°. Past Sovereign Grand Commander. Scottish Rite, SJ. Morals and Dogma. by Travis Simpkins