M.W. Paul F. Gleason. Past Grand Master. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. by Travis Simpkins |
Official Portrait of
Most Worshipful
Paul Fulton Gleason
89th Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
(2017 - 2019)
Past Master of
William Parkman Lodge
Winchester, MA
(1975 - 1976)
33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason
Valley of Boston, MA
Oil on Canvas
by Travis Simpkins
Collection of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, A.F. & A.M.
Photography by R.W. Philip Nowlan
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts |
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts |
M.W. Paul F. Gleason. Past Grand Master. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. by Travis Simpkins |
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M.W. Paul F. Gleason. Past Grand Master. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. by Travis Simpkins |