Thursday, December 30, 2021

2021 Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Photos with Travis Simpkins

R.W. Jeffrey Wonderling, Grand Master of the Grand  Lodge of Pennsylvania with Travis Simpkins
R.W. Jeffrey Wonderling, Grand Master of the Grand  Lodge of Pennsylvania with Travis Simpkins

I had a wonderful time in Pittsburgh at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. Sunday night was the farewell banquet for Right Worshipful Past Grand Master Thomas Gamon. Monday was the installation of officers and a banquet for Jeffrey Wonderling, the new Right Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. I had fun catching up with friends M.W. Keith Newton, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio as well as R.W. David Tucker, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. My wife, Janet Simpkins, and I were able to see our friend Paul J. Roup installed as the new Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. I also was able to have a great chat with M.W. Robert B. Ellston, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island.

M.W. Keith Newton, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio with Travis Simpkins
M.W. Keith Newton, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio with Travis Simpkins

R.W. David Tucker, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey with Travis Simpkins
R.W. David Tucker, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey with Travis Simpkins

Janet Simpkins, PJ Roup and Travis Simpkins. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
Janet Simpkins, PJ Roup and Travis Simpkins. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania

M.W. Robert Ellston, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island with Travis Simpkins
M.W. Robert Ellston, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island with Travis Simpkins