Monday, December 6, 2021

George Elbridge Boyden, 33°. Valley of Worcester, Massachusetts. Scottish Rite, NMJ. by Travis Simpkins

George Elbridge Boyden, 33°. Valley of Worcester, Massachusetts. Scottish Rite, NMJ. by Travis Simpkins
George Elbridge Boyden, 33°. Valley of Worcester, Massachusetts. Scottish Rite, NMJ. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
Illustrious Brother
George Elbridge Boyden
( 1840 - 1885 )
33rd Degree Freemason
Valley of Worcester, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Consistory
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
Member of Montacute Lodge
Member of the Worcester York Rite Bodies:
Eureka Chapter, Hiram Council
Worcester County Commandery No. 5, Knights Templar
by Travis Simpkins

Masonic Temple. Pearl Street. Worcester, Massachusetts. 1890's
Masonic Temple. Pearl Street. Worcester, Massachusetts. 1890's. Valley of Worcester. Morning Star Lodge

For more info, please visit:

George Elbridge Boyden, 33°. Scottish Rite Valley of Worcester, Massachusetts. by Travis Simpkins
George Elbridge Boyden, 33°. Valley of Worcester, Massachusetts. Scottish Rite, NMJ. by Travis Simpkins

George Elbridge Boyden (1840-1885)
From Liberal Freemason, Vol. IX, No. 9, December 1885, Page 270: 
In Massachusetts Consistory, October 23d, 1885. 
By Alfred F. Chapman. 
"Why will ye call it 'Death's dark night'? 
Death is the entrance into Light; 
Behind its cloudy purple gates 
The Everlasting Morning waits." 

On the 19th day of October, 1885, George Elbridge Boyden was borne by Death through that entrance, and behind those "purple gates." The going was not altogether unexpected, the return can only be made when the grave shall give up its dead. For some months it had been seen that his health was less sound than formerly, and narrowing into weeks, the hour of his dissolution was recognized to be all too soon in coming.
His place as Ill. Second Lieut. Commander in Massachusetts Consistory made him a familiar figure to most of its members, and now that he can come no more, his absence emphasizes the keen sense of loss. Sympathy for his bereaved family we feel and would express; hope for their consolation and our comfort is found in the melancholy pleasure that good words only are said of him.
He was born in Athol, Mass., August 29th, 1840, went with his family to Worcester when four years old, where his home has been continued, and where he secured popular respect and esteem, and where his Masonic history was established.
He became a Mason, March 3d, 1863, in Montacute Lodge, and was its Senior Warden during the last year of his life. He was exalted to the Royal Arch Degree in Worcester R. A. Chapter, December 29th, 1865, became a Charter Member of Eureka Chapter, May 25th, 1871, was its second High Priest, and was Grand Scribe of the Grand R. A. Chapter of Massachusetts in 1879. He received the degrees in and was admitted to Hiram Council R. and S. Masters, May 13th. 1869, and was Thrice Ill. Master in 1875, '76. He received the Orders of Knighthood in Worcester County Commandery, K. T., June 1st, 1869, and was Eminent Commander in 1884.
In the early revival of the A. and A. S. Rite in Massachusetts, he became an interested actor, and received the Ineffable degrees in Worcester Lodge of Perfection, April 14th, 1864, and was T. P. Grand Master from 1878 to 1885. We are unable to say when he received the degrees in the Council of Princes of Jerusalem and Chapter of Rose Croix, but he was M. E. Sov. P. G. Master of Goddard Council from 1879 until the year of his death. He was a Charter member in these two last-named Bodies.
On the 17th of June, 1864, he received the degrees to the 32d in Boston Consistory, afterward united with Massachusetts Consistory, and in this Body his usefulness has been known to officers and members.
For sufficient reasons he found favor in the Supreme Council, and on September 23d, 1884, at the Session of that Body held in Detroit, Mich., was elected to receive the 33d and last degree in that Rite.
Our deceased Brother bore his honors meekly, largely because his character was cast in that form. His social and family relations were winning and attractive, his business education as an architect, had been strengthened by study in Europe, and in association with his father, surviving, were happily established. The ties incident to all these have been sundered, a happy home clouded in grief, social bonds broken, fraternal intercourse overthrown, and in this so general sorrow we look upon the emblems of mourning with subdued regret.
"Here let us leave him: 
For funeral lamps he has the planets seven,
For a great sign our brother love shall go
Between his grave and Heaven."

From the "Worcester Daily Spy," 20 Oct 1885:
Death of George E. Boyden.
Although a fatal result has been expected for some time, the announcement of the death of George E. Boyden, which occurred yesterday afternoon at two, was received with deep regret by an unusually large circle of friends.
Mr. Boyden was a native of Athol, where he was born Aug. 29, 1840, making his age 45 years, 1 month and 20 days.
He has been a resident of Worcester since he was four years old. After attending the public schools he studied at the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard University. Subsequently he spent several months abroad preparatory to entering the firm of E. Boyden & Son, architects, of which he has since been a member.
Mr. Boyden early identified himself with the Masonic fraternity, had taken the 33d degree, and in addition to having filled all save two of the offices of the local bodies, had been for several years the secretary of the masonic Mutual Relief Association of Central Massachusetts, which office he held at the time of his death.
He was also a member of the Odd Fellows. He served many years as a director of the Worcester County Mechanics' Association.
In 1875 Mr. Boyden was elected a member of the common council, and after one year's service in that body was chosen president of the body, to which position he was subsequently twice unanimously re-elected. Mr. Boyden was seen at his best in his social and home life. He possessed those qualities which made his companionship enjoyable and his friendship valuable at all times. He was sick nearly three months, liver trouble being assigned as the cause. He leaves a widow, but no children.