Thursday, March 31, 2022

Richard Ganion, 33°. Scottish Rite Valley of Dayton, Ohio. by Travis Simpkins

Richard Ganion, 33°. Scottish Rite Valley of Dayton, Ohio. by Travis Simpkins
Richard Ganion, 33°. Scottish Rite Valley of Dayton, Ohio. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
Illustrious Brother
Richard Ganion
33rd Degree Freemason
Valley of Dayton, Ohio
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A.

by Travis Simpkins

Seeking Further Light - Scottish Rite, NMJ

For more info, please visit:

Richard Ganion, 33°. Valley of Dayton, Ohio. Scottish Rite, NMJ. by Travis Simpkins
Richard Ganion, 33°. Valley of Dayton, Ohio. Scottish Rite, NMJ. by Travis Simpkins