Leonard G. "Bud" Lomell. D-Day. Word War II. Scottish Rite, NMJ. by Travis Simpkins |
Portrait Sketch of
Leonard G. "Bud" Lomell
( 1920 - 2011 )
Second Lieutenant
United States Army - 2nd Ranger Battalion
Hero of D-Day - June 6, 1944 - World War II
32nd Degree Freemason
Valley of Central Jersey
Recipient of the Daniel D. Tompkins Award
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, NMJ
Member of Durand Lodge No. 179
Point Pleasant, New Jersey
by Travis Simpkins
Commissioned by the Grand Lodge of New Jersey
for display in Fellowship Hall - Burlington, NJ
Leonard G. "Bud" Lomell
For more info, please visit:
Leonard G. "Bud" Lomell. D-Day. Word War II. Scottish Rite, NMJ. by Travis Simpkins |