Monday, February 6, 2023

James A. Garfield. 20th President of the United States. Freemason. by Travis Simpkins

James A. Garfield. 20th President of the United States. Freemason. by Travis Simpkins
James A. Garfield. 20th President of the United States. Freemason. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
James Abram Garfield
(1831 - 1881)
20th President of the United States
Major General in the United States Army
Veteran of the American Civil War
Member of
Columbus Lodge No. 30
Grand Lodge of Ohio
Knight Templar
Columbia Commandery No. 2
Washington, D.C.
Received the 4° to 14° from Albert Pike
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite
Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A.
by Travis Simpkins

James A. Garfield

For more info, please visit:

James A. Garfield. 20th President of the United States. Freemason. by Travis Simpkins
James A. Garfield. 20th President of the United States. Freemason. by Travis Simpkins