Sunday, February 5, 2023

William McKinley. 25th President of the United States. Freemason. by Travis Simpkins

William McKinley. 25th President of the United States. Freemason. by Travis Simpkins
William McKinley. 25th President of the United States. Freemason. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
William McKinley
(1843 - 1901)
25th President of the United States
U.S. Army Veteran of the American Civil War
Raised in Hiram Lodge No. 21
Westchester, Virginia
Affiliated with Canton Lodge No. 90
Canton, Ohio
Active in Royal Arch Masonry and Knights Templar
by Travis Simpkins

William McKinley

William McKinley. Knights Templar. Commandery Uniform. York Rite. Freemasons
William McKinley. Knights Templar. Commandery Uniform. York Rite. Freemasons

For more info, please visit:

William McKinley. 25th President of the United States. Freemason. by Travis Simpkins
William McKinley. 25th President of the United States. Freemason. by Travis Simpkins