Friday, March 24, 2023

Greg Stahl. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts. York Rite. by Travis Simpkins

Gregory Stahl. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
Right Eminent
Gregory L. Stahl
District Deputy Grand High Priest
4th District
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts
York Rite Freemasonry
District Deputy Grand Master
24th Masonic District
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
Member of Trinity Lodge
Clinton, MA
by Travis Simpkins

Dale Prentiss, Gregory Stahl and Robert Peete. Grand Chapter of Massachusetts

Robert Peete, Dale Prentiss, Gregory Stahl. Royal Arch. Massachusetts York Rite. by Travis Simpkins

For more info, please visit:

Gregory Stahl. by Travis Simpkins. Royal Arch. Massachusetts York Rite Freemasonry