Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Joseph Cerneau. Scottish Rite Cerneauism. Cerneau Supreme Council. by Travis Simpkins

Joseph Cerneau. Cerneau Supreme Council. Scottish Rite Cerneauism. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
Joseph Cerneau
( 1763 - 1840/45 )
Founder of "Cerneauism"
The Cerneau Supreme Council
(an illegitimate form of Scottish Rite Masonry)
by Travis Simpkins

The debut of this portrait sketch was in
Heredom - Volume 25 
"The Supreme Council of the 43rd Degree"
by Arturo de Hoyos, 33°, GC Published by the Scottish Rite Research Society
Washington, D.C.

based on an ivory miniature portrait (now lost)
created from a half-tone photo courtesy of S. Brent Morris, 33°, GC

A Brief History of the Scottish Rite

For more info, please visit:

Joseph Cerneau. Cerneau Supreme Council. Scottish Rite Cerneauism. Heredom. by Travis Simpkins