Tuesday, April 2, 2024

R.W. Moises Gomez. Past Grand Historian. Grand Lodge of New Jersey. by Travis Simpkins

Moises Gomez. Freemason. Past Grand Historian. Grand Lodge of New Jersey. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
Right Worshipful
Moises I. Gomez, 33°, MSA
Masonic Lecturer
Past Grand Historian
Grand Lodge of New Jersey
Past Master of Atlas Pythagoras Lodge No. 10
Westfield, New Jersey
Past Most Wise Master
Northern New Jersey Chapter of Rose Croix
by Travis Simpkins

Moises Gomez. Masonic Lecturer. Past Grand Historian. Grand Lodge of New Jersey.

For more info, please visit:

Moises Gomez. Past Grand Historian. Grand Lodge of New Jersey. by Travis Simpkins