Directed by Roland Emmerich, and written by Robert Rodat, The Patriot (2000) is a superb period Revolutionary War action-drama that is thematically reminiscent of Mel Gilson's 1995 film Braveheart. The story concerns Benjamin Martin, a peaceful South Carolina farmer who is compelled to lead the Colonial Militia after a sadistic British soldier murders his young son. The costume and set design crew did a great job recreating the 1776 time period. The cast does a great job all-around, including Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger, Jason Isaacs, Joely Richardson, Chris Cooper and Tom Wilkinson.
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Heath Ledger |
The Patriot: Jason Isaacs |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger |
The Patriot: Heath Ledger |
The Patriot: Heath Ledger |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Revolutionary War |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson and Jason Isaacs |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: The French |
The Patriot: Spanish Mission |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |
The Patriot: Heath Ledger |
The Patriot: Jason Isaacs |
The Patriot: Mel Gibson |