Directed by Ron Howard, based on a story by George Lucas, Willow (1988) is one of the great fantasy films of the 1980's… a Modern Classic. The story concerns a dwarf tasked with protecting a savior child from an evil sorceress in a fictional medieval land. Great action, chases and battles mix with magic. Warwick Davis is great in the title role. Val Kilmer is wonderful as Madmartigan. Joanne Whalley is sexy as the villainess Sorsha. The supporting cast is great as well, including Jean Marsh, Tony Cox and Kevin Pollack.
Warwick Davis: Willow |
Elora Danan: Willow |
Warwick Davis: Willow |
Warwick Davis : Willow |
Jean Marsh: Willow |
Val Kilmer: Willow |
Val Kilmer: Willow |
Brownies: Willow |
Warwick Davis : Willow |
Joanne Whalley as Sorsha: Willow |
: Willow |
Joanne Whalley as Sorsha: Willow |
Troll: Willow |
Two-headed Troll Monster: Willow |
Joanne Whalley as Sorsha: Willow |
Jean Marsh: Willow |
Val Kilmer and Joanne Whalley as Sorsha: Willow |
: Willow |
Joanne Whalley as Sorsha: Willow |
Warwick Davis : Willow |
"Willow"- movie trailer