Directed by Fritz Kiersch, based on the 1977 short story, Stephen King's Children of the Corn (1984) is a supernatural Horror Classic. The story concerns a group of children, brainwashed by a creepy demon-worshipping child preacher, who kill all the adults in their small Nebraska farm town… and bring death to any outside grown-ups who enter their domain. Chilling and vibrant, the cinematography captures the blood-soaked farmland. The performances are good, including Linda Hamilton, Peter Horton, R.G. Armstrong, John Franklin and Courtney Gains.
Children of the Corn. 1984 |
Children of the Corn. 1984 |
Children of the Corn. 1984: Linda Hamilton |
Children of the Corn. 1984 |
Children of the Corn. 1984 |
Children of the Corn. 1984 |
Children of the Corn. 1984 |
Children of the Corn. 1984: Linda Hamilton |
Children of the Corn. 1984 |
Children of the Corn. 1984 |
Children of the Corn. 1984 |
Children of the Corn. 1984 |
Children of the Corn. 1984 |
Children of the Corn. 1984 |
"Children of the Corn"- movie trailer