Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dr. Rob Morris. Freemason and Poet. Order of the Eastern Star. by Travis Simpkins

Dr. Rob Morris. Freemason and Poet. Order of the Eastern Star. by Travis Simpkins
Dr. Rob Morris. Freemason and Poet. Order of the Eastern Star. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
Most Worshipful
Dr. Rob Morris
( 1818 - 1888 )
Past Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Kentucky
Poet Laureate of Freemasonry
Creator of the first ritual for the
Order of the Eastern Star
by Travis Simpkins

Order of the Eastern Star

For more info, please visit:

Dr. Rob Morris. Freemason and Poet. Order of the Eastern Star. by Travis Simpkins
Dr. Rob Morris. Founder of the Order of the Eastern Star. by Travis Simpkins