Saturday, October 23, 2021

Papus. Gerard Encausse. Occultist and Mystic. Martinist Order. Martinism. by Travis Simpkins

Papus. Gerard Encausse. Occultist and Mystic. Martinist Order. Martinism. by Travis Simpkins
Papus. Gerard Encausse. Occultist and Mystic. Martinist Order. Martinism. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait of
Gerard Encausse
( 1865 - 1916 )
Physician, Hypnotist
Occultist and Ceremonial Magician
Co-founder of the modern 
Ordre Martiniste (Martinist Order)
l'Ordre des Supérieurs Inconnus
and the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose Croix
Grand Hierophant
Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim
Member of
Hermetic Brotherhood of Light
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Ordo Templi Orientis ( O.T.O. )
by Travis Simpkins

Introduction to Martinism

Papus. Gerard Encausse. Martinism. Books Translated by Piers Vaughan. Portrait by Travis Simpkins
Papus. Gerard Encausse. Martinism. Books Translated by Piers Vaughan. Portrait by Travis Simpkins

For more info, please visit:

Papus. Gerard Encausse. Occultist. The Tarot of the Bohemians. by Travis Simpkins
Papus. Gerard Encausse. Occultist. The Tarot of the Bohemians. by Travis Simpkins