Saturday, January 18, 2025

Paul Foster Case. Occultist and Freemason. Tarot. Builders of the Adytum. B.O.T.A. by Travis Simpkins

Paul Foster Case. Occultist and Freemason. Tarot. Builders of the Adytum. B.O.T.A. by Travis Simpkins

 Portrait Sketch of
Dr. Paul Foster Case
( 1884 - 1954 )
Occultist and Freemason
Author of "The Tarot" and other works
Founder of
Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.)
Member of
Thoth-Hermes Temple of the Golden Dawn
(Alpha et Omega)
Member of
Fairport Lodge No. 476
Fairport, New York
by Travis Simpkins

Paul Foster Case - The Letter "G"

Paul Foster Case (1884 - 1954). Gravesite. Occultist and Freemason. Builders of the Adytum. B.O.T.A.

For more info, please visit:

Paul Foster Case. Builders of the Adytum. B.O.T.A. The Book of Tokens. Tarot. by Travis Simpkins