Co-written and directed by Mel Gibson, Apocalypto (2006) is a rare cinematic Gem. With Gibson's great eye for period detail in historic Epics, and set during the decline of the Mayan civilization, the film's dialogue is spoken in Yucatec Maya. The story focuses on a tribesman's journey to escape human sacrifice, after he is abducted and his village annihilated, and his desperate running attempt to return to his family. The cinematography is amazing and the pyramid sets are breathtaking. Historians and archaeologists were consulted, giving a true and heart-pounding air of authenticity to the events. The violence can be extreme, but it suits the subject matter well. The actors are great as well, including Rudy Youngblood and Raoul Trujillo.
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The arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors |
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"Apocalypto"- movie trailer