The Order of the Royal Arch
Order of Masonry
by Rev. George Oliver, D.D.
Originally published in 1867
Cornerstone Book Publishers, 2013
Brief Review by Travis Simpkins
Long considered to be an essential text on the subject, George Oliver's 1867 Classic Origin of the Royal Arch is truly an indispensable resource for students going through the York Rite Degrees of Freemasonry. By no means do I intend to offer a critique of a Classic and established work, but rather to point out a few of the virtues in it's content for those looking for information on the English Royal Arch Degree.
The core of the text begins with an integral question: Is the Royal Arch of ancient origin or of modern invention? In tracing the historical background of the ritual, an interesting picture is painted of the contentious relationship between the so-called Ancient and Modern Grand Lodges in 18th Century England. At the time, a decided effort was made to differentiate the two and each harbored goals set on undermining the other. George Oliver offers an insightful and balanced view in presenting the case… and shows how the Royal Arch was a very important factor in it.
The remainder of the book focuses on the Word:
"The mystery which overshadows the Word of Freemasonry has always been replete with interest, and constitutes the excitement that leads the inquirer from one degree to another, till he is rewarded by a participation in this ineffable secret"
and the journey to find meaning within the symbolism and content of the Royal Arch:
"…the Royal Arch, intended for the cultivation of every art and science that the human mind, in this sublunary state, is capable of."
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver: Jewels |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver: York Rite Freemasonry |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver: Structure of Freemasonry |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver: Keystone |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver: Tracing Board |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver: Mark Master coin |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver: Ark of the Covenant |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver: Tracing Board |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver: King Solomon's Temple |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver: York Rite Freemasonry |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver: York Rite Freemasonry |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver: Philadelphia Masonic Temple |
Origin of the Royal Arch. George Oliver |