Directed by Roland Joffe, "freely adapted" from the novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter (1995) brings the Classic tale of forbidden love to life in passionate style. Set in 1667, the story concerns a woman in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, who commits adultery with the town preacher and bears his child… causing her to face dire consequences and be ostracized by the townsfolk. Wonderful attention to historic detail is apparent in the 17th Century sets and costumes. The cast does a great job all-around, including Demi Moore, Gary Oldman and Robert Duvall.
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore |
The Scarlet Letter: Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore |
The Scarlet Letter: Robert Duvall |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Robert Duvall |
The Scarlet Letter: Robert Duvall |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Robert Duvall |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore and Gary Oldman |
The Scarlet Letter: Demi Moore |
The Scarlet Letter: Gary Oldman and Demi Moore |