Directed by Howard Hawks, Rio Bravo (1959) was partially intended as a response to High Noon and it's veiled anti-blacklisting theme. It is masterfully executed and ranks amongst the best of Hawks' work. The story focuses on an outnumbered sheriff who must make a murderer face justice, despite tough odds, with only the help of a feeble old man, a drunk and a quick-draw kid. John Wayne, Dean Martin, Ricky Nelson and Walter Brennan are great as the lawmen. Angie Dickinson is sultry and memorable as the poker-playing vixen.
Rio Bravo. 1959: John Wayne |
Rio Bravo. 1959: Angie Dickinson |
Rio Bravo. 1959: Angie Dickinson |
Rio Bravo. 1959: Dean Martin |
Rio Bravo. 1959: Angie Dickinson |
Rio Bravo. 1959: John Wayne, Ricky Nelson and Angie Dickinson |
Rio Bravo. 1959: John Wayne |
Rio Bravo. 1959: Angie Dickinson |
Rio Bravo. 1959: Angie Dickinson |
Rio Bravo. 1959: Angie Dickinson |
"Rio Bravo"- movie trailer