Saturday, September 19, 2020

Dr. Robert H. Goddard. Engineer and Physicist. First Liquid-Fueled Rocket. by Travis Simpkins

Dr. Robert H. Goddard. Engineer and Physicist. First Liquid-Fueled Rocket. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
Dr. Robert H. Goddard
( 1882 - 1945 )
Engineer, Physicist and Professor
Inventor of the
First Liquid-Fueled Rocket
Launched in Auburn, Massachusetts
on March 16, 1926
Subsequent Launches took place
in Roswell, New Mexico
by Travis Simpkins

Dr. Robert H. Goddard

Robert H. Goddard - Development of High Altitude Rockets

For more info, please visit:

Dr. Robert H. Goddard. First Liquid-Fueled Rocket. Auburn, Massachusetts. March 16, 1926. by Travis Simpkins