Tuesday, March 29, 2022

M.W. Harvey J. Waugh. Past Grand Master. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. by Travis Simpkins

M.W. Harvey J. Waugh. Past Grand Master. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. by Travis Simpkins
M.W. Harvey J. Waugh. Past Grand Master. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. by Travis Simpkins

Portrait Sketch of
Most Worshipful
Harvey J. Waugh
88th Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts - Boston, MA
by Travis Simpkins

Massachusetts State House Cornerstone Ceremony - M.W. Harvey J. Waugh

For more info, please visit:

M.W. Harvey J. Waugh. Past Grand Master. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. by Travis Simpkins
Harvey J. Waugh. by Travis Simpkins. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Morning Star Lodge