Monday, February 13, 2023

Count Cagliostro. Giuseppe Balsamo. Freemason and Alchemist. Egyptian Rite. by Travis Simpkins

Count Alessandro di Cagliostro. Giuseppe Balsamo. Egyptian Rite Freemasonry. by Travis Simpkins
Count Alessandro di Cagliostro. Giuseppe Balsamo. Egyptian Rite Freemasonry. by Travis Simpkins

Sketch of a Portrait Bust of
Count Alessandro di Cagliostro
Giuseppe Balsamo
( 1743 - 1795 )
Freemason, Alchemist, Occultist 
Mystic and Traveler
Founder of the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry
The Ancient Rite of Memphis-Misrain
by Travis Simpkins

based on a 1786 marble bust by Jean-Antoine Houdon
Collection of the National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC

Philippa Faulks & Robert L.D. Cooper : 
The Masonic Magician. Count Cagliostro

For more info, please visit:

Count Cagliostro. Freemason. by Travis Simpkins. The 7 Ordeals of Cagliostro. Iain McCalman
Count Cagliostro. Freemason. by Travis Simpkins. The 7 Ordeals of Cagliostro. Iain McCalman