Directed by Henry Hathaway, Sundown (1941) provided an early showcase for newcomer Gene Tierney, one of the all-time most beautiful faces Hollywood has ever known. The adventure story concerns gun-running amongst African tribes during World War II. Gene Tierney is breathtaking as the exotic "Zia", delivering a great performance and wowing the camera through every scene in which she appears. The supporting cast is great as well, including George Sanders, Harry Carey and Bruce Cabot.
Sundown. 1941: Gene Tierney |
Sundown. 1941: Gene Tierney |
Sundown. 1941: Gene Tierney |
Sundown. 1941: Gene Tierney |
Sundown. 1941: Gene Tierney |
Sundown. 1941: Gene Tierney |
Sundown. 1941: Gene Tierney |
Sundown. 1941: Gene Tierney |
Sundown. 1941: Gene Tierney |
a scene from "Sundown"